From: "Brandon R. P. Picard" <>
Subject: Epic Saga Title Screen 
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 22:33:06 -0500 

I've finished the pic,... it's not going to have the FULL effect,
so you are going to have to use your imagination a bit. I've
included a midi file to go with this... Listening to the music it
has a piano intro for Eternal Sailor Moon that lasts about 30
seconds,  then it pauses.... During that 12 sec intro before the
pause the following is happening: You see the moon, and you are
panning down and back from the moon to the Moon Palace. You see
the Moon Palace and the reflection of it and the Moon in the
shimmering Lake, After the Pause, you pan Back to reveal SailorMoon
with her Hair Blowing in the wind, eyes blinking every now and
again, and The Title Screen then appears. and a couple of stars
also twinkle. Behold. Title Screen.  
(it loses a little bit without seeing the lake, if you happen to
have a fast computer, I recommend you visit my web site
to get the FULL experience!)